Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The cleaners regularly run out of cleaning materials, how will you ensure this doesn't happen?
A. Local Area Managers monitor ordering and stock levels providing advice and training as required. Materials are supplied on a monthly delivery schedule which should ensure that all sites have adequate supplies. However, in an emergency, they can be ordered by fax, email and over the phone for next day delivery and therefore no site should run out of materials. We do set budgets for our contracts, however, we also understand that a contract cannot be run without the correct materials.
Q. How often will I see the local Area Manager as we have been let down in the past?
A. At Goldcrest Cleaning Limited we have a high ratio of managers to contracts; therefore they have more time than most of our competitors to spend on site. They also manage a geographical area close to their own location in order to reduce unecessary travelling time .
Your Area Manager visits will be as frequent as your require (typically monthly minimum) and are backed up by visits from our Senior Area Manager, who also monitors the frequency of visits and auditing of sites.
Q. Do you have formal procedures set up to ensure a pro-active management service and efficient two-way communication?
A. Goldcrest Cleaning Limited has its own in-house Quality Assurance System, with a Training Manager who is an NVQ/BIC’s assessor. A Site Pack is placed on each site which includes telephone numbers for our cleaning staff to use, both their local Area Manager and for Head Office. Clients will also be supplied with a mobile number for their local Area Manager and an office number for the Head of Operations. All staff will have on-site induction training and ongoing training programmes, records are signed by staff and kept at Head Office. A signing in book and a comments book can be supplied which will enable staff, management and clients to contact each other.
Q. Do you have a vetting procedure when you recruit staff?
A. All staff references, where availiable, will be checked and work permits checked against passports where applicable, Criminal Records Bureau checks are carried out where required. Other on site security measures may include restricted area access, coats and bags to be left/or searched at reception. Client will be informed of staff changes/cover.
Q. Do you provide staff uniforms?
A. All staff will be supplied with uniforms. We provide full PPE which includes aprons, polo shirts, trousers, safety boots, high visibility vests/jackets, hard hats, protective glasses etc as required for each site. Uniforms carry the company logo and photographic ID badges can be issued where required.
Q. How do you cover staff absenteeism?
A. Goldcrest Cleaning Limited use local Area Managers who are able to be more hands on, with more time to find additional resources if required.
We can cover, where applicable, scheduled absences such as holidays by other staff working at the same site. Cleaning staff from other local customers, who work different shifts, also help to provide cover, in the event of them being unavailable relief cleaners are organised through our cleaner database. Holidays are pre-booked to avoid multiple clashes giving site managers and off-site managers time to plan cover. Unscheduled absences are covered in the same way where notification has been given, otherwise a credit is raised.

Q. We have a language barrier causing a communication problem with our cleaning team.
A. Goldcrest Cleaning Limited is an equal opportunities employer, employing different nationalities. Some staff may have some difficulties with spoken English and are allocated work in team environments. Health and safety notices are translated as required.